TapeOp Magazine #59
VOVOX link direct S and protect S cables
"In 22 years of audio geekery, this is the first time I've experienced- first hand- a cable making an audible difference in a blind test. No matter how subtle, this is amazing to me. I can easily recommend VOVOX to commercial facilities, because the build quality alone makes it an easy and effective way to advertise that you care about every detail in the signal chain..."
Also in Testberichte

Fidelity online 02/2020
"Günstiger, als man denkt, und besser, als man denkt – Vovox’ Neuausrichtung ist bester Dienst am Kunden."
Stefan Gawlick

Visuals Producer 05/2019
"In a normal environment, I could definitely hear an audible difference. The VOVOX delivered a much more open sound with better clarity and it was much quieter."

Gitarre & Bass 11/2016
Es ist kaum zu glauben, dass sich diese Spähren allein durch den Austausch eines Kabels auftun..."