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In der Produktkategorie „OUTLET“ verkaufen wir reduzierte Einzelstücke aus der VOVOX Wühlkiste

FWL Studios, Leipzig (D)

FWL Studios, Leipzig (D)

"Gegeben durch die einmalige Chance, ein High End Studio von Grund auf zu realisieren ohne Kompromisse eingehen zu müssen, haben wir alle Komponenten der Studioeinrichtung durch viele Hörsitzungen getestet und verglichen, so auch die Studioverkabelung. Wir haben alle namhaften Kabel, die man auf dem Markt erhält, getestet und waren erstaunt, als alle Testpersonen zum ersten Mal überhaupt einer Meinung waren. Es ist wirklich keine Frage des Geschmackes: Es gibt zwar verschiedene gute Kabel, aber nur einen Klangleiter. Durch die konsequente Verwendung von VOVOX wurde bei unseren Testaufnahmen eine unüberhörbare Verbesserung des Klanges festgestellt. Eine bisher für mich noch nie gehörte Detailtreue, ein extrem offener Klang und vor allem ein viel "natürlicheres" Stereo-Panorama. Die Musik schien auf einmal nicht mehr aus den Lautsprechern zu kommen, sondern stand einfach nur im Raum. Unglaublich!"

Kai Mäder, FWL Studios

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Analog 905, Changsha (CN)
Analog 905, Changsha (CN)

"After a long period of comparison, VOVOX sonorus was finally selected as the cable for pre-recording coloring, and VOVOX excelsus as the cable for the master bus and speakers. The rich sound details and dynamic feedback of VOVOX cables are fascinating. Many attempts have been made to find out if there are any cables that can match them, and finally it was found that the characteristics of VOVOX are the best. Using VOVOX excelsus as the master bus cable will give the music a very high-quality flat frequency response curve and a very modern and advanced listening experience, which has been highly praised by clients. I like VOVOX cables very much."

Doctor Zhang

Stüdyo 18, Istanbul (TR)
Stüdyo 18, Istanbul (TR)

"As a professional producer/sound engineer, I have been the witness of the importance of the signal and power cables in sound. I have been always careful about the quality of the cables on the projects I have recorded/produced. Although I was using good quality cables in my studio, after changing all of them with Vovox, I have observed the difference as black & white! It is hard to explain what I hear but I can say that there is a curtain on the sound before and it has disappeared and it is much more clean, detailed and natural now. All of the cables in my studio and my hifi system at home are now only Vovox.
I also would like to say that to change all of the cables in a listening/recording chain makes the real difference comparing to the change of only one or two cables in that system. So, just go for the Vovox and feel the music – you will not regret at all."

Levent Buyuk, Stüdyo 18

Astia-studio, Lappeenranta (FI)
Astia-studio, Lappeenranta (FI)

"When it comes to sound I no longer only record on magnetic tape at Astia-studio A, but do it using VOVOX cables. In audio the quality is as good as the weakest link in signal chain. With VOVOX cables I can be sure that no information is lost and everything translates to the finest detail."

Anssi Kippo/Astia-studio (Lappeenranta, Finland)